How to Prepare For a Bris

parents with child after brit milahHere is a list of things that you will need before and after the ceremony:

Other Instructions

  1. Please feed your baby just prior to my arrival. This way, he will be less fussy during and after the Bris. Please also give him 1.25 mL of Infant Tylenol (concentration should be 160 mg/5 mL) one hour before the scheduled time of the Bris.
  2. If you have other children, make sure that you have someone in your family watching over them so that you can participate in your son’s ceremony. If you have an older child who would like to say Hamotzi (blessing over bread) prayer at the end of the service, that is perfectly fine.
  3. Please ask all guests to turn off phones before the ceremony. It would be a good idea to place a sign on the door that reads "Please come in" so that guests will not knock on the door during the ceremony.
  4. A minyan (ten Jewish adults) is not necessary, but is preferred. Please have your guests come fifteen minutes before the start of the ceremony so that it may begin on time.
  5. Photographs and video are fine (except on Shabbat), although I ask that you refrain from photographing the actual circumcision.
  6. Prior to the ceremony, I will examine your baby.  In a separate room, there should be either a table or changing pad on which I can examine him and give him the anesthetic. There should also be a trash can or garbage bag handy. Please let me know should your son develop any medical problems prior to the Bris.

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